The ICAR-Central Institute for Women in Agriculture (ICAR-CIWA) is present in Bhubaneswar, Khorda district of Odisha, India. The Institute is located opposite to Kalinga Studio square near Baramunda about 10 km from Bhubaneswar Railway Station and 8 km from Bhubaneswar airport.
Please contact:
ICAR - Central Institute for Women in Agriculture
Plot No. 50-51, Mouza - Jokalandi, P.O. - Baramunda
Bhubaneswar - 751003, Odisha, India
E-mail : [email protected]
Phone No : (0674)-2387940, 2387241
Fax : (0674) 2387242
The Institute has been undertaking research on issues affecting women and their opportunities in agriculture. It is focusing on participatory action research in different technology based thematic areas involving farm women to test suitability of farm technologies for them and suggest refinement. The Institute is also working to catalyze and facilitate research and development institutions to bring farm women perspectives in their research and development programmes. The Institute conducts research with the following objectives:
The research in the above areas is undertaken by a multidisciplinary scientific team consisting of experts from different sectors of agriculture like Agronomy, Entomology, Home Science, Animal Nutrition, Fish Processing Technology, Farm Machinery and Power, Agriculture Process Engineering, Agriculture Statistics, and Agriculture Extension.
Yes. Two projects are running in the Institute. The Institute coordinates AICRP on Home Science which is running at 13 centres in 12 States and the Institute is having a centre of AICRP on Ergonomics and Safety in Agriculture (ESA).
Yes. The Institute undertakes externally funded projects and consultancy projects.
The Institute provides gender specific training in the following thrust areas;
The trainings conducted include gender sensitization of various stakeholders, women friendly farm tools and techniques, value addition of different horticulture, mushroom and fish products, horticulture models, nutri-farming, backyard poultry production, aquaculture and so on.
Yes. The national programs going on are: Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav, Tribal Sub Plan, Scheduled Caste Sub Plan, Swatch Bharat Mission, Aspirational Districts programme, etc.
No. Presently the Institute does not have any incubation centre. Proposal has already been submitted to the Council for establishment of the same.
Yes. There are two hostels
For booking, contact In-Charge Guest House /Hostels of the Institute at [email protected]
Yes. The Institute has a Video Conferencing System. It has a multipoint HD video conferencing system which supports IP connectivity. It also has a high definition video conferencing camera with high optical zoom supporting various formats, microphone (3 nos.) and full HD professional display. It has been installed at Director’s Committee Room having capacity of about 30 Persons. IP Address of video conferencing at ICAR-CIWA Bhubaneswar is
Yes. The Institute has a conference hall with seating capacity of 150 and two committee rooms with seating capacity of 40 each in addition to a well equipped training hall with the provision of LCD and other audio-visual aids in main building. The Institute also has an exhibition cum meeting room with a seating capacity of approximately 300 persons and two training cum conference halls that can accommodate approximately 100 persons each in its Technology Block.
No. The Institute doesn't offer M.Sc. or Ph.D. programmes. However, the Master's and Doctoral programme students are guided for their project works and also undertakes internships for UG students.
Yes. The Institute has a gender knowledge system portal that contains information on different areas of agriculture and related sectors having importance for women. The portal has different broad segments such as technologies, information and statistics, programmes and policies, resources and knowledge component under which a number of need based sub-components are included. The weblink is
Yes. The Institute is equipped with sophisticated instruments to carry out spectral measurements, chemical analysis etc. The details are available at
Yes. The Institute has a research farm of 32 acres including 15 acres area under different horticultural and field crops as well as livestock & fisheries.
Yes. The Institute has over 2000 books/ research journals/ CAB CD ROM database, Agricola database in the field of gender and women studies to facilitate researchers and students. The facility of Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) is available in the Institute. It is a web based application to facilitate online access and sharing of journal literature subscribed by the participating libraries of the consortia.
Yes. There are 13 residential quarters in the Institute campus with Type-VI (1), Type-V (2), Type-IV (2), Type-III (6) & Type-II (2) quarters.
No. The Institute is devoted to work for women in agriculture. The percentage of women staff in the Institute is about 42 percent. Category wise, 59 percent among scientists, 20 percent among technical staff and 25 percent among administrative staff in the Institute are women.
Yes. It can be provided to outside agency on cost sharing basis. For details, please contact the Director, ICAR-CIWA.